As part of the 2015 GV Summit, we invited our community members and partners to write essays that explain and illuminate the real-world effects of an Internet-related policy on citizens in a specific country or region. The goal of this competition was to amplify the voices and perspectives of our community and to help show the world the effects of law and practice, and that they did.
Below are all essay submissions That focused on Latin America. We are Urging our sites in Spanish, Russian and Portuguese to publish them as well. Enjoy!
Second or professor and specialist Sérgio Amadeu em sociais networks, internet and as sociais networks foram imprescindíveis for a eleição Dilma Rousseff (re-eleita president for small margem of votes against or candidate oposição Aécio Neves em outubro 2014). Sem or use das sociais networks linked militancy ou pela next year Partido dos Trabalhadores, Rousseff, to poderia vitória lhes não ter escaped front acusam, uma traditional mídia em geral is alinhou à oposição.
A internet não foi used only as an alternative veículo years tradicionais Meiosis (radio and TV) ea tradicionais forms of militancy nas ruas, but as a way of impulsionar também or nome e as propostas, além das da candidate Realizações you were looking for eleição as também, fabricação instrument fatos scandals and manipulated against a oposição.
A internet was um Batalha field that no fim, um pendeu for both sides to soube melhor used-la ou ou melhor soube is positioned ainda mais get loud. Mas tudo pode isto be chegando ao fim.
Uma reform / lei APPROVED congresso hair (mini-reform policy conteúdo cujo be integrated à 9,504 lei, 1997) propõe constitute “” crime to direta contratação indirect subsidiary ou com pessoas group to issue a specific finalidade mensagens comentários ou na internet to offend honor ou imagem denegrir a candidate, party ou coligação, punível com detenção 2 (dois) to 4 (four) years and a fine of R $ 15,000.00 (fifteen thousand reais) to R $ 50,000.00 (fifty thousand reais). “”
Primeira À seems uma boa ideia limit aquela ou delete virtual militancy pays to defame and denegrir adversaries, cujo sole purpose of making é or negative fatos and rebaixar or nível gives eleição. Of sulfate latter eleições podem be considered sujas das mais de todos os tempos, com ative participação gives you militancy of all political parties na dispute.
O problem, porém, é a tese da “” contratação indirect subsidiary “,” podendo criminalize ou militant sympathizers cujos parties, official ou sem qualquer contractual link com ele, nas policies are empenhem Campanhas of controversos devices using ou mesmo ilegais. A glimpse punição ainda lei (fine and cadeia) não just to do party or responsável within pela “” contratação indirect subsidiary “” militant, more também os ou supostos hired hired.
Or big problem redação da da na lei is uncertainty I do that would uma contratação indirect subsidiary, and civil and criminal responsabilização na uns ações peel of outros. Can sem dúvida think that reside punição num case, quando um party hires uma company to perform virtual campanha and this pessoas hired to perform suja campanha and defamatory, but we would we Atendo just um appearance, or mais visível and simple mesmo be detected, quando ha na prática militants that livre na sua e vontade Espontânea campanha sem receber nothing is engajam isso, but poderiam be considered passíveis be enquadrados na tal “” contratação indirect subsidiary “”.
To além disso, ha questões Performing ainda mais, as knowing or serious offending exatas denegrir to honor ou imagem of politicians and parties. To muitos subtraction or hindered medo serem published suas Opiniões ou mesmo of lembrar corrupção cases of misconduct by candidates and parties sob and a fine hair cadeia just livre political Exercício.
Existem specific leis for crimes against the honor and for quem espalha lies against gizmos, but we Diante da criação de uma special Legislação aiming to proteção politicians, as acima pessoas do homem comum, I do cidadão Common, com especiais direitos ter a sua honors Garantida, ou seja, em muitos cases be questionado em seu passado ações e em suas. Uma blindagem, enfim, politicians of all or any kind against qualquer questionamento do vindo public.
Na opinião of muitos specialists, serious or primeiro passo for internet amordaçar em ea eleitorais periods of raising especiais category crimes against political difficult to do fiscalização by eleitor and turning to illegal online praticamente atividade policy.
Or attack à honors ou um um political candidate já é brasileiro something referred Hair Penal Code, é calúnia, slander ou mesmo difamação that aliás, não tem as just political alvo, more qualquer destes Vítima cidadão crimes. Or that this mapping lei de novo é parties and coligações SUBJECTS turn to crime against the honor and raise uma special category for politicians looking eleição, além of não differentiate damage caused by true fatos ou by lies and manipulações.
Em outras palavras, um individual will be repercussions, for exemplo, news of wages that prejudicam um candidate, this pode ser processado for violating the honor Southeast, mesmo não sendo or author gives denúncia. Outro troubling case or um poderia be impacting nas cidadão sociais networks corrupção cases ou mesmo to algum time prisão em um da história candidate, ou um real case of corrupção em envolvido this esteja, and prune end à processado to cause damage imagem deste candidate haja mesmo que não foi qualquer inverdade not that dito.
Just months após to do aprovação Civil Marco commented that lacks ainda of regulamentação em various areas, é inaceitável that surjam propostas to criminalize Internet à sua margem, passing by top suas competências ou mesmo simplesmente or ignoring. Na policy brasileira fica aquele gosto semper um passo that we à front, but you conseguem political semper um jeito to back dois passos mais ou. A intenção é semper to to shield if e seus years torques justified attacks da população desculpa com to prevent unjustified ou aqueles caluniosos attacks.
Não há confusão redação na da lei, não há erro algum to intenção clear é: Criminalizing atividade and aqueles policy that actively assumed usam etworks to report crimes and crimes eleitorais praticados by politicians. É to defesa gives impunidade e não will allow discussão Obre ações, present and passado of politicians, em geral, tem muito to hide.
A brasileira internet semper esteve to perigo, agora mais do than ever, nas mãos of elegemos quem (imensa irony) to defend democracy nossa ea Liberdade.
Virtual Censorship
Dizem that internet livre território é um, onde all trafegam informaçãoes as sem nenhum control, but I tied it really essa vai ponto Liberdade?
A utilização gives Internet to promoção and organização of sociais Manifestações trouxe to tona discussões novas on a boundary imposição à Liberdade nas sociais networks. Isso devido à reação do governo a nova essa trend. Com isto to internet censorship is na mais uma vez em vogue we debates.
A link pessoas facilidade em all or world through global rede da computares, deveria ter devoted to tão Liberdade sonhada of Expressão, pois potentiates or Exercício and Democratic State consolidação do Direito em Deveria viver.
A questão to be placed é: as Internet e essa pseudo liberdade I estão sendo ameaçadas? Qual or foundation is to collect internet consegue pessoas that estão distant, ligand-as ainda mais?
But as I não é nossa internet livre tão quanto think. Software companies and sites “innocent” nem semper na verdade tem to função of entretenimento. Or Armazenamento and monitoramento two dice disponibilizados todos os dias em nas sociais and networks alguns specific sites podem is voltar against nós, trazendo future noxious effects. É o que tem specialists dito been given area, and constantly noticiado intelectuais imprensa na.
As ameaças censorship nas sociais crescem networks increasingly mais, além do emergence in leis and projetos that ao Inves of soluções trazer efetivas to guarantee a safe Liberdade na rede, apresentam Mascarados texts that ainda mais na verdade coíbem or Exercício do direito a livre Expressão e privacidade online.
Daí or increased restrição do do monitoramento and anonymity to users attribute coação serviços by postagens of pessoais Opiniões political cunho ou relevant to a public opinião issues. Remove ou ou control Conteúdos of publicação or login to informação livre é na Internet censorship sim, Common fere o bem e os democratic principles. Efeitos Os legais virtual censorship são da da semelhantes ao conventional censorship, which deveria ter been deixada not passado, along com or period em vigorou.
O virtual conteúdo já é controlled and manipulated by large companies carteis várias areas related to technologies. E como semper prejudicados são os os innocent users who pay for obter acreditam que é um conteúdo of interesse e seu that sends quem não really percebem nisso tudo: as large corporações. Ou seja, I Conteúdos of propagandas and aqueles that GERAM maior receita velocidade do prejudicam to login às informações two Conteúdos of interesse two comuns users.
Or artigo 5th da Constituição Federal direito do is to Liberdade limiting-a essa Liberdade ao damage that may promote a Terceiro. Eventhough serem um both quanto as contraditórias rules estabelecidas by esse onde device “é livre to Expressão da intellectual atividade, artistic, scientific and of comunicação, independent from censorship ou licença” (inc. IX) and ao mesmo tempo that “é livre to manifestação do pensamento, sendo forbidden or anonymity “(inc. V). Ou seja, é uma mitigated Liberdade, disfarçada, pois is a publicação something não pode ser anônima então não é fully livre, uma vez que é estabilished uma “clause” nesse “contract between cidadãos e governo ‘em that não Cumprida, não é da Liberdade allowed usufruir em sua plenitude. Porém, as we know, nothing whatsoever Legislação é na brasileira.
Or deveria be punished just são os abuse. This é or limit legal, ou deveria be less hair. Obstar Manifestações of pensamentos que não não causam damage deveria be nem object discussão no judiciary that is muito crowded for já ter mais conta give delongas week basis.
Não pode ser um considered Diretriz of State Democratic Direito prevent manifestação of pensamento um que não vá cause damage to outrem. Serious or primeiro passo for censorship, for a volta a autoritário um regime. It gives Internet users attribute devem ter to liberdade to be expressar or quanto quiserem since não causem damage to Terceiros, afinal pois é or limit this imposto lei peels.
Assim, é certo to deve haver razoabilidade na da Liberdade prerogative of Expressão that ainda possuímos. Também Mas é certo to deve ser um estabelecido limit às rules regem, regulamentam and controlam condutas as na internet.
Considering all to exposta problematic seriam soluções quais as that resolveriam ou amenizariam essa limitação fascia to Expressão na nossa liberdade of internet users attribute so that you não sejam penalized for atos seus?
É os dois must see dessa moeda sides. Um diz next year respeito direito of divulgações livres fazer na internet, mainly quando ha privacidade of quem or face, ou seja, quando é feito anonymously. By outro lado deve-is understood that all direito é um estabelecido dever, assim, judiciais devem measures be taken just quando esse é não respeitado ethical limit. É isso sim or just eo correto.
Ora, Internet e tudo or veio using dela e com a sua proporcionou popularização mais uma accessibility to diversidade of informaçãoes to all sociedade. All classes as sociais puderam efetivar or login à informação direito year, participating tudo mais happens or not the world and was once tão distant. Além disso, prune-is escolher or conteúdo that quer, e não ao ficar restrito it was stipulated hairs demais meios of comunicação, onde to população só tinha conhecimento do that esses meios queriam really tivessem. Uma Total alienação.
Obter direito to conquer or to informação that quisermos, sem seja determined or devemos know ou não.
A discussão on internet censorship it é na valid since treated seja com or respeito deserves all users attribute os da rede, ou seja all nós. Com sugestões razoáveis between quem tem or disclose direito and between aqueles that têm interesses Financeiros restrict or livre and unlimited accessibility ao conteúdo we want and vestments or direito of escolher.
Internet is the new polis?
School and university programs still teach us how societies evolved through the centuries and were achieving forms of political and administrative organization. How religions impinge significantly on worldviews. How tangible property constituted the wealth of nations. That same universal history reveals that while there were highly developed economically and politically societies had while others showed no such degrees of progress.
Undoubtedly the most important landmarks of what we conceive today as modern states, this recognition of the fundamental rights of the human person. It is from this construction that States and other forms of social organization, such as the company for example, recognize the existence of certain limits on their actions where the exercise of these rights should be recognized as inalienable, universal and unchanging, as it is previous, higher and substantive attributes to the very existence of these organizations.
But important part of modern training programs omit reference to the impacts that the development of the Internet has had on these people's organizations. And the truth is that society, business or family no longer play or interact and develop in the same way. Even so does the individual considered in isolation.
Before living the Internet age was possible to differentiate very clearly what was public, what was private or intimate. Today the truth is that this is not possible. It is not because subjects do not develop in society with an awareness of receipt of your intimate sphere, we might say that it has lost value, and it is not because there are some interactions of public and private life that no are subject to any control or shelter, which certainly comes to impact on the privacy of individuals.
Latin America, perhaps because of their “youth” relative in relation to other societies of the world tends to react slower in what has regulations about this subject is concerned. Clearly jumps has come to certain regulatory standards have been driven more by way of trade agreements that seeking fair competition, require their partners compliance with certain behaviors that ensure this minimum democratic clauses.
In regulation of the Internet has been slow and heterogeneous development in Latin America, where we can see that there are countries where these issues are not even on the public agenda, to others where government have made real efforts to systematize some sort of regulation, in the case of Colombia, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina and Chile. Without limiting the foregoing, we are in front of discrete progress when compared to the exacting standards and highly specialized that often emanate from the countries of the European Union.
In the case of Chile, one of the leading countries in terms of economic development in America, a current member of the OECD, America and with the highest standard of human development in the region, we can watch in amazement as these policies still fails visibility and importance that today deserves.
Indeed, Chile is a country that is experiencing a strong process of modernization, where each of the measures promoted comes naturally entail the convenient facilities granted Internet, either facilitating or simplifying procedures, less paperwork, or integration database with information from individuals to require less data when already in state power. Each of these measures desired by the public, which sees them as savings in time and money, and promoted by the state, there has adequate impact assessment studies in the privacy of individuals. There assessments of the fiscal impact of these measures in their attachment to the constitution and the law, but such assessments do not adopt good practices on privacy basically looking ensure control, quality and security of data.
Without limiting the foregoing there is abundant national doctrine, and Latin America, which has raised his voice in this respect trying to influence the authorities. No doubt the break seems to be given by a ruler who does not live or lived the wake of this era and therefore not dimensioned its merits and risks generation versus second expert is basically composed of digital natives or at least generationally closest to the dynamic nature of the Internet.
The private sector is little that can be required in this context. If a being called to create the rules of the game not set, subjects play a game to the limit of what is allowed and this, in the Internet age is equivalent to playing without borders of any kind. Consider that many of the rules that now observed giant Google have come from the courts and not governments.
In a traditional scenario companies settled in a territory where they sold their products or provided services. In a scenario such as the Internet, where access a virtual reality where we contract between absent, separated by thousands of miles away without probably never see each other, it becomes increasingly necessary for someone to take action on this matter.
As in ancient societies the important things of social life were defined in the polis, we also need to promote someone here one government, a guideline, a more or less common to other rule already known and existing. This consistency starts simply from the fact that we are still the same subjects, those with the same inherent and essential characteristics that continue to act, and not in a polis, but now in a different scenario, an international network of computers.
This technical government, should have the mission to urge countries that have not adopted minimum standards to do so, for his indecision is now equivalent to not responsibly ensure the exercise of human rights.
The society, in all its dimensions, has moved much of its activities to the platform Internet facilities, if before people physically gathered to protest today voices to denounce a social network multiply; if before had a personal consultation to commit a crime, now they may commit a group of thugs huge computer fraud; if before the money was lost if it robbed today may disappear every penny by a computer system crash; if someone wanted to anonymously report before a situation for what was to cover his face, can now only do so using a pseudonym on a social network; if before he had to go to school or buy a book, now simply be downloaded free from the Internet content and access a world of knowledge without limits.
Development, access and advance the possibilities of the Internet has impacted the way of parenting; Therefore children; how to educate, therefore learning; how to inform us of the events, so how to judge others; take the form, therefore the economy; how to say, so how freedom is exercised.
But while certain regulations could negatively impact the network neutrality, the lack of regulation undoubtedly also does. A space without rules of conduct and minimum ethics is not safe for anyone. So we need to rethink our recent history and propose regulatory foundations to those fundamental and inherent rights of every human being can remain exercised and defended in this virtual society, so that they are not denatured in this new, but also dynamic political society that is the Internet.
Дорога, ведущая в никуда
Когда вы путешествуете по Кубе, в салоне вашей арендованной машины обязательно должна находиться местная девушка. Во-первых, это просто приятно, а во-вторых, еще и полезно: на местных автострадах почти нет указателей, и кто-то обязательно должен показывать вам дорогу. Ну, а того кроме, это бывает поучительно.
… Километрах в сорока от города Сантьяго-де-Куба мы остановились у железнодорожного переезда, где на крошечной станции стоял готовый к старту поезд. Это была самая забавная конструкция, которую я видел в своей богатой на путешествия жизни. Поезд состоял из двух вагонов, выкрашенных в яркие красно-желтые цвета и скорее напоминавших коробки от какой-то большой игрушки. Едва я успел сделать несколько снимков, как взревел двигатель, и поезд, смешно покачиваясь, покатился по тростниковому полю, где рельсы терялись в зеленых зарослях и словно бы уходили в никуда. Было такое ощущение, что вдруг ожила картинка из какого-то старого детского мультфильма, и, садясь в машину, я не смог сдержать улыбки.
А вот девушка по имени Пилар, которая сама всю дорогу ослепительно улыбалась, вдруг стала серьезной.
- Этот поезд – очень яркий пример интеграции, существующей в нашем народном хозяйстве – строго и даже как-то назидательно сказала она. – Отечественные экономисты рассчитали транспортные потребности этой территории и дали задание ученым разработать модель поезда, который лучше всего подходил бы для нее. Они выполнили это задание и подключили производственников. В результате была разработана уникальная модель, которая позволила полностью удовлетворить потребности региона в пассажирских и грузовых перевозках.
Я отношусь к той категории людей, которые называют себя транспортными фанатами. В моем фотоаппарате хранятся и никогда не будут удалены десятки снимков трамваев и троллейбусов, вагонов метро и всяких прочих фуникулеров, которые я сделал в самых разных странах мира. Но я не стал показывать их Пилар – мне показалось, что это может оказаться для нее слишком сильным потрясением. Ведь иногда одной минуты, одного слова оказывается достаточным для того, чтобы твой мир, который представляется тебе таким правильным и понятным, вдруг меняется безвозвратно.
На Кубе, в отличие от Северной Корки, еще одного осколка социалистической империи, доживающей, судя по всему, последние годы в своем нынешнем виде, доступ в интернет отнюдь не является табу для 99.9 местного процентов населения. Я помню, как в Пхеньяне наш деловой партнер, протягивая визитку с замысловатым адресом электронной почты, несколько раз повторил одно и то же, “” Я очень, очень прошу вас писать мне только по существу – никаких шуток, никаких ссылок на какие-то сайты , никаких личных вопросов. Дело том в, что, прежде чем это письмо увижу я, его обязательно прочитают товарищи из одного специального комитета, и вы меня очень сильно подведете, если им что-то не понравится “”.
На Кубе все проще – как в отношениях между людьми, так и в плане доступа во всемирную паутину. В больших городах есть интернет-салоны, куда вход разрешен только иностранцам, но куда иногда просачиваются и местные. Кроме того, существует круг граждан, которым официально разрешено пользоваться интернетом. Однако тысячи и тысячи обитателей Острова Свободы могут так и прожить всю жизнь, не только не имея ни малейшего представления о том, что происходит за пределами Кубы, но даже и не увидев хотя бы одну фотографию, сделанную за рубежом и не получившую одобрение местных цензоров У кубинского телевидения – четыре канала: один из них, надо отдать должное, образовательный, но зато три других – совершенно одинаковые: местные новости, нескончаемые концерты художественной самодеятельности и фильмы про героическое прошлое и настоящее истинных патриотов и победы над внешними и внутренними врагами. Еще есть скучнейшая общенациональная газета “” Гранма “” с аналогичными изданиями в каждом регионе страны, и, наконец, не менее важный источник информации – разного рода политинформации в трудовых коллективах и учебных заведениях. Мудрено ли, что в таких условиях большинство людей будет искренне верить и в совершенство местных поездов, и в непогрешимость своих вождей, и, конечно, в том, что они живут в лучшей стране на Земле.
Большинство кубинцев едва ли испытывают из-за этого чувство дискомфорта. Напротив, они очень доброжелательны и жизнелюбивы. Скажу больше: я даже слегка позавидовал Пилар, у которой есть ответы на все вопросы и нет повода для сомнений и огорчений.
Но, с другой стороны, двадцать первый век – это явно не то время, когда неведение может быть счастливым. Разве люди, которым квадратные жестяные коробки, катающиеся по полям, засеянным сахарным тростником, кажутся пределом совершенства, смогут добиться в своей жизни чего-то по-настоящему большого и значимого? Разве наличие одного-единственного официального ориентира может способствовать развитию творческого раскрепощенного мышления? Разве наличие сладкого запретного плода, к которому тянется все большее количество людей, сделает жизнь ярче и интереснее?
… Мы проехали еще километров двадцать, и что-то случилось с движком нашего автомобиля, который вдруг начал как-то подозрительно чихать. Не момента дожидаясь, когда он заглохнет окончательно, мы заехали в мастерскую, которая располагалась в самом обыкновенном придорожном сарае. Но копошившиеся там мужики только с сожалением развели руками “” Эх, сеньор, вот если бы у вас была старая машина, мы бы с огромной радостью сделали вам любой ремонт. А эта нынешняя электроника для нас – тайна за семью печатями … “”
Ближайшая мастерская, где ремонтируют такие машины, оказалась далеко, и мы доплюхали туда еле-еле. Вечер был безнадежно испорчен …
I exist on the Net
As citizens and members of a community we have developed our lives around certain parameters, both legal and cultural, that we have been ingrained since childhood. These rules of life in society are those that govern our actions and, somehow, define our role as citizens, providing us with duties, obligations and rights. As this is our field we used to follow these rules, but what if a gap arises in this context of rights and obligations? A black hole where there are no rules or standards to guide our actions, a place where the rules are not dictated clearly and have a free will and power of decision almost limitless.
So we face a moral dilemma where many have the opportunity to waive the rules learned society in our actions in the digital life, but many will take this liberty to violate these rules precisely in order to harm the community digital.
Now when we are in a time when the structures of this new life in society, ie the digital community is being built, we get to think how these new rules will affect our lives as citizens of our countries and as digital citizens of the world .
When we connect to the Internet we are already active members of the digital society, a society which for many years has been almost free from government interference or the laws of our country, but now we face the challenge of building structures to ensure feasibility of digital life.
Not only is speaking of those who have the responsibility to prevent computer crime and protecting our network security, but social problems as deep as freedom of expression, a freedom in many countries has cost struggles for years and thanks Internet got to have a voice in the world. Not only talk about the companies responsible for providing this service in each country and region, we discuss how these companies own our privacy, how are the possibility to refuse access to certain content and, therefore, the exercise of the right to information, knowledge and communication.
The issue of Internet Governance is a global issue, and are not just the laws of each country. As digital citizens we are on the right to intervene and vote in making decisions on how we want Internet. Review how we want our personal information is handled, decide the future of our information, which we spread and shared, they are always beyond our territorial boundaries.
The reality that all we have to face is different. In some countries governments are convinced of the existence of rules concerning knowledge and intellectual property to be applied to all. However, these views lack an overall sense, since the realities do not correspond to a single type of vision. The issue of copyright and intellectual property knowledge and inventions, are in question, from the time when the global media have given us the tools to access this knowledge. Knowledge has always been power, a power to change lives for good or bad, but now we have the means to make it more accessible, we face the dilemma of the rights of a few to the rights of millions.
We discuss the issue of access to knowledge not only as a copyright issue or an economic issue, but as a social and human rights issue, where several companies are entitled to have equal opportunities in condition. But beyond the right to knowledge is the right to life, because many types of information and knowledge that we are trying to deny might help improve the quality of life and even save the lives of many people who live in countries development, where access to this knowledge is limited and scarce.
Thinking about all the aspects and issues that shape the Internet Governance, all are united by a common thread, a transverse guiding light, human rights, because Internet Governance is an issue primarily human rights. Every aspect we discussed or we question is related to human rights and it is from this perspective that we should approach every decision taken.
What we are struggling when it comes to Internet Governance? We are fighting for the future, for our right to life, our right to access tools that give us the opportunity to develop as human beings.
The Internet Governance is not just an issue of states, international agencies or safety is an issue that affects us all, because the chain of effects that affect societies, if certain decisions are made, is infinite . There will be many who say that are not Internet users, but their children are, their parents, friends, coworkers, employers, etc., Internet access and this affects your life in some way. You may not have an active digital life, but either directly or indirectly we are tied to the Internet and therefore the decisions made on how to be Red.
For the first time we are on this side of the fence, at a decisive moment in history, we must assume a role as active members of this digital society being built, we have the tools to make our voice heard in each country and worldwide . Build an Internet standards, principles and values that help a harmonious and peaceful coexistence in the network, but also entitled to our freedom, a freedom that guarantees respect for our human rights and to equal opportunities for all in Latin America and the world.